IRIS Software Group Expands Managed Payroll Services Offering With Payplus Acquisition


28th July 2021: IRIS Software Group (IRIS), one of the UK’s largest privately owned software companies, is today announcing it has acquired Payplus, the best-in-class managed payroll services provider for businesses and educational organisations in the UK. Founded in 2008, Payplus’ managed payroll and P11D services enable employers to free themselves from the administrative burden…

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Rebuilding Your Business After Lockdown (Part 2: Drilling Deeper)


Why now’s a great time to set some new habits in place Since the start of 2020, the whole fibre of our daily lives has changed.  Mask-wearing, hand sanitising and social distancing weren’t even part of our routine before.  Now they’re things we take for granted and accept as ways of protecting ourselves and others. …

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Rebuilding Your Business After Lockdown (Part 1: The Basics)


There are very few business owners who would say that their business hasn’t changed because of the pandemic.  Some have pivoted and thrived, others have clung on with all their might just to survive.  And others have been somewhere in between.  No matter where you’ve been on the pandemic ‘Thrive or Survive’ scale, now is…

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Getting Staff Ready to Return After Lockdown


Most of us have spent more time at home in the last year than at any other time in our working lives.  For some, this has been career heaven and others, career hell.  As the owner of a small or medium-sized business you’re likely now focused on the post lockdown return to work. There’s plenty…

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Preparing for the Post-Covid Workplace


The roll out of businesses opening up after lockdown is gathering speed.  No matter whether you’re a small or medium-sized business owner who welcomes the public into your premises or who has a small team, you’re sure to have the return to work on your mind.  There’s an abundance of information already online to help…

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Embracing RPA To Help Accountants


Payplus – the payroll experts Payplus is a proud provider of payroll services.  We’re proud because we make it our priority to speak our clients’ language and to work in close partnership with them to help them achieve their business objectives.  Our commitment is that we get your payroll done accurately and on time, every…

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Robotic Process Automation – A Payroll Gamechanger For Accountants?


The classic accountancy payroll struggle Payroll by its very nature is time consuming and technically complex.  Add to the traditional mixing pot that is payroll, Pension Automatic Enrolment and the introduction of Furlough and you can see why some accountants are now saying that enough is enough. When it comes to payroll, accountants who aren’t…

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Strategyzer – A Timely Guide To Their Business Model Canvas


To say that COVID has taken the wind out of lots of business owner’s sails is an understatement.  It’s quite fair to say that SMEs in 2021 have and are continuing to face challenges that we wouldn’t have imagined possible only a year or so ago.  There’s lots of doom and gloom in the economy,…

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Pivoting Your Business To Adapt To Change


People run their own businesses for a whole host of reasons.  Some are instinctively entrepreneurial and were always meant to be their own boss.  Others have spotted a gap in the market and timidly taken their first business steps.  And then there are those people who have their hands forced somewhat by the likes of…

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How To Deal With Managing Teams At A Distance


Working from home is slowly becoming the new way of working for many. Some love it. Some loathe it. Whether your team members love it or loathe it, there are things you can do as a manager to make their, and your experience of working at a distance a whole lot better. In this post,…

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How To Work From Home Successfully


2020 will undoubtedly go down in the history books as one of the most memorable years of our time. And, apart from COVID itself, one of the biggest changes we’ve all faced is working from home. For some of us, working from home is a dream come true, for others it’s a nightmare. While we’ve…

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Perks to Attract and Retain the Best Staff


Most employers accept that their workforce plays a really important part in their success. For anyone reading this article who isn’t an employer, you could be forgiven for thinking that finding the right staff is easy. However, ask any employer about their experience in recruiting the right staff and they’ll soon tell you what a…

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A Guide to Payroll Giving


You only need to walk down the street or turn on your television to experience a demand for your cash by either a large charitable organisation or a homeless person. As time goes by, there are more and more charities competing for our attention and appealing to our generosity. Sometimes making the decision which charities…

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National Minimum and Living Wage


What is the National Minimum Wage? The National Minimum Wage or NMW, as the name suggests is the minimum amount of pay that workers in the UK aged 16 to 24 are required to get paid. The minimum wage for workers 25 and over is now called the National Living Wage (NLW). Both are a…

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Whistleblowing And Why It Matters For Your Business


What is whistleblowing? Whistleblowing is when a worker reports wrongdoing, it’s when they come forward and share their knowledge on something that’s not right in an organisation or a department they’re working in. Whistleblowing mainly applies to the workplace, but it can also relate to things that happen outside of the workplace. Whistleblowing is intended…

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Are You Up To Date With Your Workplace Pension Obligations?


What is a Workplace Pension? Pensions are a hot topic in the UK and most of Europe. With an ageing population and fewer instances where people are reported as having sufficient income in retirement, making sure people have at least some income when they stop work is high priority. One of the solutions put forward…

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Why Outsourcing Payroll Makes Great Sense


Running a business is hard work – ask virtually any business owner and they’ll tell you that. When most people start their business, they do it to follow a passion or as an alternative to paid employment. They imagine themselves having more time to do what they love, which is a great reason for taking…

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Tax Implications of Employee Expenses


Employee expenses are complicated. There’s no getting away from that. The way they are handled also often differs from company to company – which can add to the complication. Whether it’s business travel, subsistence, client entertainment, staff entertainment or using company vehicles for private use, there are rules that have to be respected if you’re…

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All About Payrolling Benefits In Kind


Benefits in Kind (BIKs) are a notoriously complex area for payroll experts, employees and employers alike. The good news is that there are moves afoot to help with payrolling benefits-in-kind. However, the not so good news is, for now, it’s not all plain sailing. If you’re a business owner who’s concerned by BIKs and would…

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Right to Work Guidelines


Before employing someone, you must check that they are allowed to work for you in the UK. While discriminating against a worker for their nationality or their origin is not allowed, as an employer, you have an obligation to check that all of your employees have the right to work in the UK. While there…

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Anti-Money Laundering Compliance


Money laundering is big business and something that’s constantly hitting the headlines. However, when we read about it in the newspaper, we tend to think of it as something that doesn’t affect us. Until we open a bank account…then we feel the pressure of anti-money laundering compliance and legislation. Despite that, many of our clients…

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Scottish Income Tax


What is Scottish Income Tax and how did it come about? The Scottish Rate of Income Tax came into effect on 6th April 2016 and became Scottish Income Tax in 2017. Born out of The Scotland Act 2012, it gives Scotland a certain amount of autonomy regarding its income tax rates. As its name suggests,…

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In Year Adjustments to Tax Codes


We recently wrote a post about Tax Codes and How They Work. If you haven’t already read it and would like to know more, you can read it here. You won’t need us to remind you if you work in payroll, that tax codes are at the core of everything you do. Getting them wrong…

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All about Statutory Maternity Pay


When an employee announces that she is pregnant, it is a time of real joy for the employee but a time that sometimes fills employers with fear and worry. Who will do her job when she’s not here? What if she doesn’t come back? What are my obligations? While these concerns can’t be expressed openly,…

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A guide to student loan deductions


More and more students are availing of student loans to fund their education. With scary headlines in the newspapers about the amount of student debt people are facing, many people are wary. But for some, it’s the only way, and for others, it makes great sense. With repayments fixed at less than 10% of income…

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What is the future of payroll?


Payroll has changed enormously over the past few years, is still changing and will probably continue to do so forever. In terms of what comes next, it’s impossible to say exactly, but at Payplus we’ve been looking around at some of the predictions being made by payroll experts. Generally speaking, most of the leaders in…

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Real-time paydays


The world of work is changing The days of a ‘job for life’ have more or less gone. For some this is good news, for others, it’s not so good. That said, the people who have interesting and successful portfolio careers will tell you we should celebrate the freedom that today’s job market gives employees,…

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Payroll penalties – Don’t get it wrong


Having to do payroll for some business owners is a punishment in itself, but what many don’t realise is that getting payroll wrong can lead to significant penalties. So, if you’re a small or medium sized business owner who does payroll yourself, our message is quite simple – do all you can to make sure…

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Starters and leavers – What is needed?


Why starters and leavers are a big deal for your business When you’re an employer, it’s inevitable that you’ll have starters and leavers. You’ll always have had them and you’re probably (more or less) aware of what you need to do. However, the legislation around starters and leavers is forever changing, so it’s important that…

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How does Statutory Sick Pay work?


What is Statutory Sick Pay? Statutory Sick Pay or SSP is the payment that is made by employers to employees who, after a defined period, are too sick to work. The current amount paid is £92.05, and this payment can be made for a period of up to 28 weeks. Who is affected by Statutory…

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