Why choose a UK based payroll company?


Outsourcing your payroll to a high-quality company with a good reputation not only makes financial sense, it also means that you can rest assured that your obligations to both your employees and to HM Revenue & Customs are guaranteed to be met on time. All of that said, choosing a payroll services provider isn’t always…

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When and how to use Postponement


Automatic Enrolment is on most small business agendas currently. Although many reports state that the process has posed fewer problems than previously imagined, one of the areas that is reported as prompting most questions of The Pensions Regulator is postponement. An approach that can be particularly useful for employers with temporary or seasonal workers, postponement…

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P11D forms – what they are and when you need to complete them


Form P11D is a statutory form required by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) from UK based employers to detail the cash equivalents of benefits and expenses that they have provided during the tax year to directors and employees. Your company will be affected by the P11D rules and regulations if your directors or employees enjoy…

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What is the Scottish Rate of Income Tax?


The Scottish Rate of Income Tax or SRIT, born out of The Scotland Act, 2012 is the successor to the Scottish Variable Rate or SVR. Announced on 16th December 2015, the SRIT rate, which came into effect from 6th April of this year is 10% for the current tax year. Set by the Scottish Parliament,…

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Employment Intermediaries Returns


Employment Intermediaries Returns are yet another new requirement in the whole scheme of payroll obligations. Introduced on 6th April 2015, with the first returns falling due on 5th August 2015, these returns impact on intermediaries or agencies who supply workers to an end user, particularly applying to the payrolls for recruitment agencies. A quarterly HMRC…

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Whose PAYE liability is it?


Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE) was introduced into the UK tax system just after World War 2, largely because of the sudden increase in the number of people needing to pay tax. A system that is steeped in complex regulations, the good news about PAYE is that for the majority, it relieves them of the need to file…

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