All About Payrolling Benefits In Kind


Benefits in Kind (BIKs) are a notoriously complex area for payroll experts, employees and employers alike. The good news is that there are moves afoot to help with payrolling benefits-in-kind. However, the not so good news is, for now, it’s not all plain sailing. If you’re a business owner who’s concerned by BIKs and would…

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Right to Work Guidelines


Before employing someone, you must check that they are allowed to work for you in the UK. While discriminating against a worker for their nationality or their origin is not allowed, as an employer, you have an obligation to check that all of your employees have the right to work in the UK. While there…

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Anti-Money Laundering Compliance


Money laundering is big business and something that’s constantly hitting the headlines. However, when we read about it in the newspaper, we tend to think of it as something that doesn’t affect us. Until we open a bank account…then we feel the pressure of anti-money laundering compliance and legislation. Despite that, many of our clients…

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